Audio Sprockets was founded to solve a problem that every acoustic instrument player has on stage—how to get a great sound out of a piezo pickup. Any one who has performed with an instrument mic knows the limitations and constraints, but before ToneDexter it was only a choice between the thin sound of a pickup and the problems and limitations of using a mic.
James May and the Audio Sprockets’ team worked hard to engineer a solution and ToneDexter is the result, providing the best possible sound, professional features, ease of use, and maximum affordability. They believe they’ve accomplished their mission, as do scores of professional and amateur users. Due to a worldwide shortage of computer chips ToneDexter has been redesigned and is now available as ToneDexter II. The original ToneDexters are no longer available. The good news is that it has allowed the incorporation of more powerful features, a new color screen, and improvements to ease of use.
Thanks to the Audio Sprockets’ team, you can have the convenience of a pickup with the rich sound of your studio mic.
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Audio Sprockets Team
James May
James May first picked up a guitar in 1964, and a soldering iron shortly after that. A keen interest in both music and electronics led him in several related directions. In the late 1970s he was was a professional guitarist and recording engineer. Since 1983, he has been an electrical engineer in the field of telecommunications, specializing in analog circuit design, and a consulting engineer. He holds 26 patents. An active singer, songwriter and performer, James has loads of fun singing three part harmony in a 60’s and 70’s cover band, and has produced two albums of original music on his own label. He is the creator of the Ultra Tonic pickup for acoustic guitars.
Andrew Wild
Andrew Wild has been playing guitar since the age of 14 and his passion for music and technology lead him to a career in the studio business starting with BBC Radio then Virgin Townhouse Studios in London. He moved to Los Angeles with audio console manufacturer Solid State Logic, then worked in various sales and marketing roles for high tech media production equipment manufacturers including Euphonix and Avid (Pro Tools). He now heads a marketing consultation business and is actively involved in the growth and development of Audio Sprockets.
Josh Bennett
Josh Bennett is a musician and electronic engineer from Australia. He plays all manner of stringed instruments from guitar and mandolin through to sitar and bouzouki, and loves the nuances and intricacies of music from all over the world. A keen communicator, he’s released a “Nature of Music” video series online explaining the science behind music. He worked as an embedded systems engineer for an Australian defence company for a decade, with experience in image and audio processing, control and comms design. He has toured worldwide with Parvyn, Mustered Courage, The Bombay Royale, BluGuru and Sadhana.