ToneDexter II Support

ToneDexter II Software Updates

Check out page 29 of the User Guide for Installation instructions. Current version of software in your ToneDexter II shows on the screen when it is first switched on.

Latest Version


NOTE: From Version 2.3 onwards the software can be updated via the ToneDexter’s web interface automatically with a single click from the web management tool.

To open the web management tool:

  • With your ToneDexter II connected to your computer, either Mac or PC, go to your favorite browser and type in the URL
  • The Web Management tool should appear. It is a live link to your ToneDexter II, and not to an external site.
  • Save that as a bookmark for future reference.

If your current version is less than V2.3:

  • Save software ToneDexter2_V2.7.bin to your download folder, or any other convenient location. Mac users: Just save the bin file to your hard drive, ignoring any warnings that the operating system can’t open it (it doesn’t need to).
  • Open the web management tool.
  • Click the Software Update button and browse to the software you just saved in your download folder. Click open or okay at the prompt, then the red upload button and ToneDexter II will be updated.

Once V2.6 or later software is loaded, access to future versions will only be available via the web management tool.

Release Notes V2.7 October 4, 2024

New Features

  • Record/Playback Mode allows recording your instrument for up to 90 seconds, and then playing that back in a loop. Useful for making Tone Shaping or WaveMap adjustments hearing just the PA or amp, without the direct sound radiating from your instrument. Works for single or dual source configurations, with full control of all parameters including blend during playback. Important note: This is not a substitute for a performance looper, as seamless loops are not possible, nor is layering of live sound with the recorded material.

Changed Behavior and Improvements

  • Bake-In function no longer includes the Notch, as it affects both wet and dry signals. Use a narrow EQ filter to add a notch to a WaveMap for baking if you need it.

Bug Fixes

  • 6 had the WaveMap IR sound level 6dB low. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed corner case where acoustic bass WaveMaps had corrupted audio with Spaciousness set much higher than 100% while blending dry source.
  • Unit starts up in Footscroll Mute/Tune state correctly if the unit is powered down with Footscroll enabled (if configured to start in Mute/Tune).
Release Notes V2.6 Sept 14, 2024

Changed Behavior and Improvements

  • Users can now register their ToneDexter with Audio Sprockets for improved customer support and automatic software updates.
  • Help menu with Links to online Resources added to web interface.
  • Error logging function added, with option to send error log to Audio Sprockets.
  • Multiple WaveMaps can be deleted from the web interface with a single “confirm all” button
  • Improved training algorithm for more consistent WaveMap frequency balance.
  • Tuner now more immune from falsely reading the 5th instead of the root note.
  • Output levels are now the same for stereo and mono sources in Routing Options.
  • Boost can be configured to be Aux only. This allows using a looper in the FX channel and having the boost affect the live instrument but not the loop.
  • Gain values (in dB) can be overlaid over the level bars on the display by selecting Show Gain Value in Display Settings page.

Bug Fixes

  • Baking a WaveMap no longer returns Mic and Dry EQs to defaults
  • Improved stability of web interface
Release Notes V2.5 July 31 2024

Changed Behavior and Improvements

  • New Training algorithm with improved high-frequency characteristics.
  • New Tuner algorithm with improved note grab.
  • Tuner note name now shows as Green if in tune within 2 cents.
  • Crossover frequency maximum increased to 3.2kHz.
  • Character range control behavior improved when renaming WaveMaps.
  • Numeric character range is now 0,1,2,..8,9 instead of 1,2,3…,8,9,0.
  • External Mute/Boost switches retain their Mute/Boost behavior when Footscroll mode is selected.
  • Footscroll Mode is retained through a reset or power cycle.
  • WaveMap Trim range increased to +/- 9dB.

Bug Fixes

  • Reverting to saved WaveMap settings with different Input Source correctly shows on the main page.
  • Fixed issue where WaveMaps weren’t loading correctly if coinciding with a Mute tap.
  • Selected MIDI channel is retained through a reset or power cycle.
Release Notes V2.4 May 23 2024

Version 2.4

Bug Fixes

  • Some valid 3rd party IR WAV files were not importing.
Release Notes V2.3 May 16 2024

Version 2.3

New Features

  • Now supports importing 3rd party Impulse Responses as well as legacy WaveMaps created with the original ToneDexter using general, high, or bass firmware. 3rd party IRs must be 16bit, 24bit, 32bit, or 32bit floating point mono WAV files at a sampling rate of 30kHz to 50kHz, and be 64KB or less in size. They will be truncated to 4096 samples if greater than that.
  • Multiple WaveMap files can be added and then imported together from the Web Interface with new Import All function.
  • New Meter style Tuner display mode option.

Changed Behavior and Improvements

  • Tuner stability and capture range improved. Will tune on notes B0 though G7.
  • Output Routing options expanded and clarified.
  • Web Interface condensed so WaveMaps show on Home Page with Backup and Restore buttons.
  • Software Update Process more automated, with only a single click required to update.
  • Bootup time reduced.
  • Advanced System Config page added, with WaveMap Load time and IR Import Optimization options.

Bug Fixes

  • Bake-In corruption with negative gain on Low EQ Band fixed.
  • Bake-In Spaciousness errors fixed.
  • Tuner shows correct octave.
  • Audition Source icon changes immediately when tapping Boost in post-training Audition Mode.
  • Other minor stability and performance improvements.
Release Notes V2.2 Apr 9 2024

Version 2.2

Changed Behavior

  • External footswitch behavior now defaults to Footscroll mode, so that footscrolling using Tune and Boost is disabled by default. This is to prevent engaging Footscroll instead of Boost by accidentally holding Boost down too long when trying to engage the boost function. This can be changed in the System Config settings.
  • 48V Phantom Power is now on by default

Bug Fixes

  • Entering Footscroll mode by Press-Holding Boost is now disabled in both PLAY and TUNE states when the external footswitches are configured as Footscroll.
Release Notes V2.1 Mar 21 2024

Version 2.1

Bug Fixes

  • Training from Aux 1 source now works correctly
Release Notes V2.0 Mar 2024

Version 2.0

New Features

  • Input Source modes expanded and reorganized for clarity.
  • Mic Blend. IN and AUX1 sources can now be blended with an external microphone. The mic input can also be used as a crossover source for the instrument input.
  • Trained WaveMap level more closely matches loudness of Bypassed level.
  • WaveMap Trim. Adjusts the WaveMap level to fine tune the loudness match to the Bypassed Level. Tap the Trim button to bypass and compare. Training calculates an initial estimate for Trim.
  • Blend Phase. Press the Blend control on the Inputs page to switch the phase of the second signal (dry path or dual source). Blue icon indicates 180° out of phase.
  • WaveMap Bake. Makes a copy of the WaveMap that incorporates all EQ, Anti-Feedback, Spaciousness and Trim settings into a new WaveMap in which those settings are baked in, as if it had been created that way from the start. This resets all adjustment parameters and allows them to be reused anew on the baked WaveMap. This useful for tweaking them to your liking, thus leaving the EQ and Tone Shaping tools available to deal with venue specific adjustments rather than WaveMap corrections. It’s also useful for creating WaveMaps tailored to other target pickups.
  • WaveMap EQ pages now show the WaveMap number and name, and Anti-Feedback and Spaciousness are displayed graphically on the Main Page when adjusting and remain until another EQ value is adjusted. This allows for easier visual comparison between different WaveMaps.
  • WaveMap can be selected from within EQ and other sub-pages when in FootScroll mode or when using external footswitches.
  • Output Routing options expanded and clarified.
  • Output Routing system settings can be overridden on a per-WaveMap basis, allowing custom routing for certain WaveMaps.
  • Tuner Reference frequency can be overridden on a per-WaveMap basis, allowing different tuning schemes for different instruments (Baroque instruments tuned to 415 for example).
  • Delay before loading new WaveMap can be set on the System Config page from 0 (default) up to 2 seconds, allowing a new WaveMap name to be checked visually before the sound changes. Note: this adjustable delay only applies to changing WaveMaps from the Main page. Changing while on the Tune Page shows the new WaveMap for 1 second before loading.
  • Pressing and holding an EQ Gain, High-Pass Frequency or Tone Shaping parameter will set it back to default.
  • Pressing and holding the Dry EQ, Aux EQ or Mic EQ buttons on the Inputs page and Mic EQ on the Train page will reset that EQ to flat (with the exception of High-Pass Frequency for the Mic EQ in Train mode, where it is set to the minimum of 20Hz).
  • Pressing and Holding Input Source on the Inputs page will set it back to Instrument input.
  • Pressing and Holding Blend Level will set it back to 0% (or 50% for Aux1/Aux2 blend)
  • Pressing and Holding Boost Config will set it to All Outputs
  • Renaming WaveMaps has an extra control for quickly changing range from upper case to lower case to numbers/symbols.

Performance Improvements

  • External buttons more responsive.
  • Web Interface more responsive.
  • Improved screen contrast for untrained WaveMaps.
  • Reduced startup noise.
  • Reduced noise when resetting DSP (after loading new WaveMaps or Restoring from Backup).
  • The EQ Band being adjusted on the Main page is shown filled on the EQ display.
  • Mic and Dry Blend can be adjusted in 1% increments.
  • Upload progress for files transferred from the Web Interface is shown on the display.
  • Overlay of filter band on EQ curves made clearer.
  • Other minor stability and performance improvements.

Changed Behavior

  • High and Low Filter Types now shown as bell or shelf icons.
  • Copy, Move, Rename and Delete functions shown as icons.
  • Filter Type, EQ Band, Input and Audition sources can be changed by tapping as well as turning.
  • 48V Phantom Power now adjustable on System Config page (and while training)
  • High-Pass Filter is now OFF by default. Turn CW or tap to turn on. Press and hold to turn it back off. Note: High-Pass Filter cannot be fully turned off on the Mic Channel during Training.
  • Separate frequency defaults for bell and shelf modes (Lo EQ and High EQ)
  • Spaciousness display shows more of the IR waveform.
  • Back button added on Tuner and Training pages for convenience, doubling up on Tune footswitch action.
  • Back buttons moved to top left by default.
  • If all available slots are used and Copy, Move or Training is selected, suggested destination slot will default to the first without a trained WaveMap (Blue text) if any exist, or 1 otherwise.
  • Page Timeout default increased to 10 seconds, and can be set from 4 up to 20 seconds (or OFF).
  • Wait animations updated.

Bug Fixes

  • Headphones no longer mute when returning back to Tune Mode from Train or System Config pages.
  • If an empty slot is currently selected and a WaveMap is copied or loaded into that slot via the web interface, the screen will automatically update.
  • IR energy time span now limited to prevent unexpected behavior when blending.
  • Level setting occasionally getting stuck at high gain fixed.
  • Web Interface now compatible with Safari web browser.
  • Help text for Footscroll Mode corrected.
  • Default mapping for Midi Program Changes corrected.
  • Font alignment issue corrected that may have caused some WaveMap names to display incorrectly.
Release Notes V1.1 Jan 2024

New Features

  • EQ Curves. All EQ and Tone Shaping parameters now have graphical representations on the screen. Move from one band to the next directly using the top left knob.
  • Page Timeout can be adjusted up to 10 seconds (or turned off altogether) from the System Config page.
  • IR Display. System Config page has an option to Show or Hide (default) the IR on the Main Page.
  • Phones/Aux Out can be muted during Tuning.
  • Extra on-screen help for Training.

Performance Improvements

  • Buttons more responsive.
  • Web Interface handles copy and move requests faster.
  • Deleting WaveMaps handled faster.
  • Training less susceptible to unwanted frequency peak manifesting as ringing sound.
  • Occasional small audible click in playback eliminated.
  • Power-up popping sound greatly reduced.
  • Soft signal muting into and out of Mute eliminates possible clicks if signal present during transitions.
  • Other minor stability and performance improvements.

Changed Behavior

  • Select which parameter (Anti-Feedback, Spaciousness or Notch) shows on the Main Page by tapping on them on the Tone Shaping page.
  • After training, if no unused slots are available, it will default to the first “Used” slot (shown in blue – parameters changed but no trained WaveMap yet).
  • Unused Mic channel removed from Inputs page.
  • WaveMap Move and Copy are now accessible from the one page.
  • Selecting Footscroll for external switches disables Footscroll mode for Mute and Boost footswitches (holding Boost works the same as tapping to toggle the boost function).

Bug Fixes

  • Saving changes to baseline for slots with no WaveMap will not make the slot show as empty.
  • Web Interface not responding correctly with some later versions of Safari.
  • Tuner Reference Frequency (in global settings) wasn’t being properly referenced.
ToneDexter II